
The functionality described in m.builder.js is used to construct vertex buffer objects of quads for rendering sprites.


please.builder.SpriteBuilder (center, resolution)

The SpriteBuilder object is used to programatically generate a drawable object. The constructor arguments ‘center’ and ‘resolution’ are optional and may be omitted. They default to ‘false’ and 64 respectively.

If ‘center’ is true, then a quad’s position relative to (0,0) will be measured from its center, otherwise it will be measured from it’s bottom left corner.

To use the builder object, the “add_flat” method is called to add quads to the final object, and the “build” method is used to compile and return the vertex and index buffer objects to be used for rendering elsewhere.

The “add_flat” method takes the following arguments:

  • width is the width of the expected texture for the sprite
  • height is the height of the expected texture for the sprite
  • clip_x is the x coordinate for the left edge of the sprite within the image, and defaults to 0
  • clip_y is the y coordinate for the top edge of the sprite within the image, defaults to 0
  • clip_width is the width of the sprite, and defaults to width-offset_x
  • clip_height is the height of the sprite, defaults to height-offest_y
  • offset_x is an offset for the generated vbo coordinates, and defaults to 0
  • offset_y is an offset for the generated vbo coordinates, and defaults to 0

The “build” method takes no arguments and returns an object with the properties “vbo” and “ibo”.

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