M.GRL provides a (work-in-progress and very much unstable) system for applying light and shadow to a scene, via the compositing graph. This system currently makes use of a deferred rendering system, and requires several opengl extensions to be able to run correctly. Hopefully in the near future, there will also be a fallback mode for when extensions are missing, but that is not the case right now. Use with caution.
please.SunLightNode (options)
This constructor function creates a graph node which represents a sun light.
please.PointLightNode (options)
This constructor function creates a graph node which represents a point light.
please.SpotLightNode (options)
This constructor function creates a graph node which represents a spot light. This object also creates a render node used for calculating shadows. The buffer settings for this render node can be configured by passing them as an object in the “options” argument. Most likely, this would be to change the size of the light texture. The “options” argument may be omitted.
please.DeferredRenderer ()
Creates a RenderNode encapsulating the deferred rendering functionality. This api is experimental, so expect it to change dramatically until it is stabilized.