
This part of the module is responsible primarily for polyfills of language features that are present in Firefox but absent from other browsers. This file also implements some helper functions that are widely used within M.GRL’s codebase, and defines the module’s faux namespace ‘please’.


please.prop_map (dict, callback)

Variation of array.map for non-array objects:

  • dict an object to be enumerated.
  • callback A function to be called for each of the object’s properties.

Returns an object with same keys as the dict parameter, but who’s values are the callback return values.

var some_ob = {"prop_name" : "prop_value"};
please.prop_map(some_ob, function(key, value, dict) {
    console.info(key + " = " + value);


please.once (callback)

Returns a function that will call a callback, but only the first time it is called. If the returned function is being used as an event handler, then it will attempt to remove itself so as to prevent further calls.

  • callback A function to be called only once.
var counter = 0;
function increment() { counter += 1 };

var burn_after_reading = please.once(increment);

burn_after_reading(); // increment is called
burn_after_reading(); // nothing happens
burn_after_reading(); // nothing happens

console.assert(counter === 1); // assertion should pass


please.split_params (line[, delim=” “])

Splits a string of text into tokens (or “parameters”). The whitespace is trimmed from the resulting tokens before they are returned in an array.

  • line A string of text to be split into tokens.
  • delim An optional delimiting character, defaults to ” ”.
var message = "This   is a      test.";
var params = please.split_params(message, " ");
// params is equal to ["This", "is", "a", "test."];


please.get_properties (obj)

A name alias for Object.getOwnPropertyNames. These are both the same function. See this MDN article for more information.


please.array_hash (array, digits)

Returns a string that represents the array. This is mainly used for comparing two arrays.


please.random_of (array)

Returns a random element from a given array.

  • array An array of objects.


please.radians (degrees)

Converts from degrees to radians.

  • degrees An angular value expressed in dgersee.


please.degrees (radians)

Converts from radians to degrees.

  • degrees An angular value expressed in dgersee.


please.mix (lhs, rhs, a)

Works like the GLSL mix function: linearily interpolates between variables ‘lhs’ and ‘rhs’. Variable ‘a’ should be a numerical value such that 0.0 <= a <= 1.0. The first two parameters may be numbers, arrays of numbers, or GraphNodes.

If both ‘lhs’ and ‘rhs’ are of length four, this method will assume them to represent quaternions, and use ‘SLERP’ interpolation instead of linear interpolation. To avoid this for non-quaternion vec4’s, set the property “not_quat” on one or both elements to true.


please.distance (lhs, rhs)

Returns the distance between two items. Arguments may be numbers, vectors, quaternions, arrays (four or fewer elements), or graph nodes, provided that they both have the same number of elemnts. So, one param might be a graph node, and the other might be a vec3, and it would work fine.

If you are working for sure with, say, two vectors of the same size, it will be marginally faster to use gl-matrix’s distance methods instead.


please.linear_path (start, end)

Generator, the returned function takes a single argument ‘a’ which is used as an argument for calling please.mix. The points argument passed to the generator is also passed along to the mix function. This is provided as a convinience for animation drivers.


please.bezier (points, a)

Finds a point on a multidimensional bezier curve. Argument ‘points’ is an array of anything that can be passed to the please.mix function. Argument ‘a’ is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, and represents progress along the curve.


please.bezier_path (points)

Generator, the returned function takes a single argument ‘a’ which is used as an argument for calling please.bezier. The points argument passed to the generator is also passed along to the bezier function. This is provided as a convinience for animation drivers.


please.path_group (paths)

Generator, the returned function takes a single argument ‘a’ which is used as an argument, which is divided evenly between the path functions (such as the output of please.bezier_path). So if you call the output function with a value of ‘0’, it’ll call the first path function with ‘0’. Likewise, ‘1’ would call the last one with ‘1’. This is used for combining multiple paths together.


please.path_driver (path, period, repeat, oscilate)

This function generates a driver function for animating along a path reterned by another generator function.

var path = please.linear_path(-10, 10);
player.location_x = please.path_driver(path, 1000, true, true);


please.oscillating_driver (start, end, time)

Shorthand for this:

please.path_driver(please.linear_path(start, end), time, true, true);


please.repeating_driver (start, end, time)

Shorthand for this:

please.path_driver(please.linear_path(start, end), time, true, false);


please.shift_driver (start, end, time)

Shorthand for this:

please.path_driver(please.linear_path(start, end), time, false, false);


please.break_curve (curve, target_spacing)

Takes a curve function and an arbitrary distance, and returns a list of points along that curve which are less than the target distance apart.


please.merge_pointset (pointset, spacing, fitting, centered)

Take a given pointset (an array of coordinates, where the array has a “distance” property that tells you how long it is), and produce a new set of points wherein the spacing matches more or less the spacing argument.

The ‘fitting’ argument determines if the spacing should expand or shrink if the pointset’s distance does not neatly divide. It defaults to ‘any’ if not set or is given an invalid value, but may also be set to ‘shrink’ or ‘expand’.

The ‘centered’ argument determines if the endpoints of the pointset should be included or not in the returned set. It defaults to true if unset. Basically the difference is trying to draw something of X size within the area of the curve, verses dividing a data set into some number of parts X distance apart.


please.trace_curve (curve, spacing, fitting, centered)

Wraps please.break_curve and please.merge_pointset.


please.uuid ()

Generates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) string, in accordance to version 4 of the specification. In other words, this returns a randomized string in which generating it twice is statistically improbable enough so that it can be used to identify something with the reasonable expectation that it won’t refer to anything else. This is useful for primary keys, routing data, and so on. Where possible, randomness is generated via window.crypto (supported by most modern browsers), with a (slower) fallback on Math.random.


please.decode_buffer (blob)

Creates and returns an ArrayBuffer from Base64 encoded binary data.

  • blob A Base64 encoded binary array.


please.typed_array (raw, hint)

Creates and returns a typed array object from a Base64 encoded string of binary data.

  • raw The Base64 encoded string containing an array of binary data.
  • hint A string describing the data type for the packed binary data. Must be one of the following: “Float16Array”, “Float32Array”, “Int32Array”, “Uint16Array”, and “Uint32Array”. The hint “Float16Array” will cause the resulting data to be safely cast to the Float32Array type since javascript lacks a Float16Array type.


please.make_animatable (obj, prop, default_value, proxy, lock, write_hook)

Sets up the machinery needed to make the given property on an object animatable.


please.make_animatable_tripple (object, prop, swizzle, default_value, proxy, write_hook);

Makes property ‘prop’ an animatable tripple / vec3 / array with three items. Parameter ‘object’ determines where the cache lives, the value of ‘this’ passed to driver functions, and if proxy is unset, this also determines where the animatable property is written. The ‘prop’ argument is the name of the property to be animatable (eg ‘location’). Swizzle is an optional string of three elements that determines the channel names (eg, ‘xyz’ to produce location_x, location_y, and location_z). The ‘initial’ argument determines what the property should be set to, and ‘proxy’ determines an alternate object for which the properties are written to.

As mentioned above, if an animatable tripple is passed a GraphNode, then an implicit driver function will be generated such that it returns the ‘location’ property of the GraphNode.

If the main handle (eg ‘location’) is assigned a driver function, then the swizzle handles (eg, ‘location_x’) will stop functioning as setters until the main handle is cleared. You can still assign values to the channels, and they will appear when the main handle’s driver function is removed. To clear the main handle’s driver function, set it to null.