

please.DiagonalWipe ()

Creates a RenderNode with the diagonal wipe transition effect.

var effect = please.DiagonalWipe();
effect.shader.texture_a = "old_texture.png"; // may be another RenderNode
effect.shader.textrue_b = "new_texture.png"; // may be another RenderNode
effect.shader.progress = 0.9; // 0.0 to 1.0
effect.shader.blur_radius = 200; // number of pixels
effect.shader.flip_axis = false; // defaults to false
effect.shader.flip_direction = false; // defaults to false


please.Disintegrate ()

Creates a RenderNode with the disintegrate transition effect.

var effect = please.Disintegrate();
effect.shader.texture_a = "old_texture.png"; // may be another RenderNode
effect.shader.textrue_b = "new_texture.png"; // may be another RenderNode
effect.shader.progress = 0.25; // 0.0 to 1.0
effect.shader.px_size = 200; // grid size


please.PictureInPicture ()

Creates a RenderNode with the picture-in-picture splice effect.

var effect = please.PictureInPicture();
effect.shader.main_texture = "main_view.png"; // may be another RenderNode
effect.shader.pip_texture = "pip_texture.png"; // may be another RenderNode
effect.shader.pip_alpha = 1.0; // transparency of pip
effect.shader.pip_size = [25, 25]; // percent of screen area
effect.shader.pip_coord = [70, 70]; // percent of screen area


please.ScatterBlur ()

Creates a RenderNode for applying a fast blur effect.

var effect = new please.ScatterBlur();
effect.shader.input_texture = "some_texture.png";
effect.shader.blur_radius = 100; // defaults to 16
effect.shader.samples = 8; // defaults to 8, maximum is 32

Note: the lower the value for ‘samples’, the faster the pass will run.

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