
This part of the module is provides functionality for parsing 2D keyframe animatinos defined in the .gani file format as well as the ability to play the animations using m.time’s scheduler, and instance them into the scene graph.

Please note that the .gani parsing functionality will likely be spun off into an external library at some point, though M.GRL will still make use of it.

This file stores most of its API under the please.gani object.

The functionality provided by m.gani automatically hooks into m.media’s please.load and please.access methods. As a result there isn’t much to document here at the moment.


please.gani.get_cache_name (uri, ani)

DEPRECATED This is a helper function for the **please.gani.on_bake_ani_frameset callback.

This method is used to provide a unique cache id for a given combination of attribute values for a given animation.


please.gani.on_bake_ani_frameset (uri, ani)

DEPRECATED Since this handler was originally defined, WebGL has progressed enough to the point that M.GRL will not be providing any other rendering mechanisms. This was intended to bake the sprites into a single image via the magic of the canvas element. This, however, was never utilized and probably never will be.

Override this method to hook you own rendering system into the .gani parser. The ani parameter provides access to the frame data and calculated sprite offsets and attribute names.


please.gani.is_number_def (param)

DEPRECATED this method will likely be renamed in the future, or removed all together if .gani parsing functionality is spun off into its own library.

Warning the name of this method is misleading - it is intended to determine if a block of text in a .gani file refers to a number.

This method returns true if the parameter passed to it is either a number object or a string that contains only numerical characters. Otherwise, false is returned.

  • param Some object, presumably a string or a number.


please.gani.is_attr (param)

DEPRECATED this method will likely be renamed in the future, or removed all together if .gani parsing functionality is spun off into its own library.

Determines if a string passed to it describes a valid gani attribute name. Returns true or false.

  • param A string that might refer to a .gani attribute something else.


please.gani.build_gl_buffers (ani)

This method builds the buffer objects needed to render an instance of the animation via WebGL. The buffer objects are saved upon the animation object.


please.gani.sprite_to_html (ani_object, sprite_id, x, y)

Generates an html string that will render a particular gani sprite instance.